br> SET AND COSTUME DESIGNAngus Cerini Doubletap/MTC Neon
Venue The Lawler Studio
Written and Performed Angus Cerini
Lighting Design Andy Turner
Sound Design/Composition Jethro Woodward
Photos Sebastian Bourges
Resplendence is an extraordinarily rich and beautiful piece at every level.
The Australian
A juddering and expressionistic piece of pure theatre, exquisitely designed by Marg Horwell, which eked poetry from the unlikely material.
The Age
[Cerini is] supported by a design so integral to the experience that the work couldn’t exist if one element were missing.
Sometimes Melbourne
A stylishly achieved work of total theatre.
ABC Arts
Ben Neutze, The Age
Nicholas Hansen, ArtsHub
Cameron Woodhead, Aussie Theatre
Liza Dezfouli, Australian Stage
Chris Boyd, The Australian
Anne-Marie Peard, Aussie Theatre